Aug 28, 2008

Tag Dari Vogue 2704

kali ni kena tag ngn Vogue2704

The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.

1)What were you doing 5 years ago?
masa tu aku keje kat National ..tgh jaga line
wakkakakka...kekdg ganti org kalo org mc ke absent ke cuti
aku sangat aktif berpersatuan masa nie..skit2 meeting.. Model
jrg duk kt line..

2)What were the 5 things on your to do list today?
hari nie 28-08-08

1) Balik keje nak gi service kete kancil

2- Layan
fir menulis Studying

3- basuh baju sambil iron baju Ironing
4 - kuar minum ngn along kira dating Couple 2
5- tgk tibi lepas tu tidooo.. Couple In Bed

3) What are 5 snacks that you enjoy?
- double decker Chips
- mamee
- kepek pisang
- kepek ubi pedas Licky
- chipsmore

4) What are 5 things u would do if u were a billionaire?
- Buat kenduri jemput anak yatim..kasi angpau.beg sekolah ke..sebagai hadiah Pizza Parlor 2
- Boli umah bosar satu House

- Bawa mak gi mekah..lepas balik dr mekah.round satu dunia..saambil sopink skit2.
-simpan Asb
- Melabor dlm Public Mutual

5) What are 5 jobs you've had?
- Keje Sony 3 bulan , interview masa tu lom amik spm..abis spm 1 week terus keje

- Keje kilang National lak..sbb gaji Lumayan..
last position QC.. lama keje sini 13 thn..mcm2 keje buat senarnya.kekdg admin. jaga line..benti sbb amik VSS
- Keje pembantu klinik.. Nurse

- Medical Rap..juai cari sale..dr klinik ke klinik..
tak sesuai ngn jiwa..wahahhaha.

-Tmpt skrg Administration..admin,account,purchasing,
recepsionict,guard,despatch..semua den buek..wahahhaha.. Business Woman

dah pernah buat dan tag taknak menhampakan Vogue..atty more time..

jadi atty kasi lak tugasan nie kepada..

1- ain
2- angel..

dan pada sesapa yg sudi nak buat yer..


aNgeL pUTiH said...

adoi.. kena tag lagik.. kali nie cam susah jek.. amik masa sket yer kak.. wakakakak

aNgeL pUTiH said...
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