Feb 25, 2011

I am not my past.

Anything I have done or that has been done is done. I can choose to learn from it, I can choose to atone for it and seek forgiveness for it, and I can choose to cherish it. But I cannot change it, so I will not let it hold me. I will not let time hold me at all, as I am beyond that mere invention. The only moment to do and be is now, so now is where I am.

And though I cherish this human life, and this temporary body and family I am in, and I am committed to trying my best for all others and myself out of that love, I know I have nothing to lose.

Because I have been given the gift of this eternal spirit. Because I am my spirit.

I am pure, I am whole, I am grateful.

And I have nothing to fear.

Everything is ultimately good.

And so it will be.

p/s : Not in Good Mood..huhuhuhuhuhu..



Unknown said...

wanie faham apa yg akk rasa,
sbb wanie sendiri pernah melaluinya...

hope semuanya akn kembali normal ok:)


edane said...

Because I am my spirit myself. i loike!!!

Dilla Ady said...

harap atty da okeh la ye..

eLLy said...

why? kenapa dan mengape?

pssttt gaji belum keluar ye ;p

Pepel BoNda AmaNi said...

same goes to me..hari nie sangat sedey..dengan manusia2 berhati busyuk...

fazid said...

kty...weekend is here :D... jgn sedih2 ekk...BTW, fazid dah pindah 'rumah' baru...