Nov 19, 2008

Abis Tau..

memula diaorg sembur kete aku
yang penuh najis ituh..
masa nie aku ngn akak duk tunggu
sambil makan kopok lekor ngn asam..

berkilat ..kete..

award nie kan calang2 award nie..
terimakasih cendawan intim..kasi kty award nie..
jadik pada sesapa yg komen entry nie..sila ler amik award nie yer..

utk tidak menghampakan ija..
tag yg ija kasi senarnya aku dah buat,
jadinya aku copy paste je tuk ija..kira aci ye..dik.

kali ni tag dari yazeda.., neezaareef,ija

1. What is the relationship of you and him/her?
hubungan aku ngn sedia..suami isteri..ler..

2. Your 5 impressions towards him/her
-sgt syg bini
-sanggup je layan kerenah bini nak jumpa new friends
-sanggup teman bini ek sopink padehel aku dah ikut gak

- tak marah kalo aku kuar g jalan..hehehe..sbb dia trust me ler.
-sanggup berhabis duit layan wife dia

3. The most memorable things he/she had done for you.
apa ye..byk...

4. The most memorable things he/she have said to you?
dia beri kepercayaan sepenuhnya pada aku..

5. If he/she become your lover, you will...
takyah dah..dah resmi my hasben..

6. If he/she become your enemy, you will...
takde dalam list

7. If he/she become your lover, he has to improve on...
tak bani nak sepah2 kan umah..ltk brg merata..ekeke.tau bini dia bising

8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is...

9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?
nak buat umah kt kampung lepas tu g aji..

10. the overall impression of him/her is...
very sporting

11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
kalo org tak kenal aku..semua ingat aku sombong..kalo mak aku lak kataa aku garang ngn anak2,,ye ke..ekekeke..tanya ler akak.tol ke.

12. The character of you for yourself is?
takleh nak nilai diri sendiri..hehhee..

13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
aku jenis org yg menepati masa..tak suka lambat ..hehehhe..kalo nak g mana2..mesti aku siap cpt je...sbbnya aku mmg takyah nak makeup..along lak selalu lambat..siap kena tunggu dia je

14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
aku nak jadik diri jadi yang lebih baik...

15. For the people who likes you, say something about them.
terima ler diri aku seadanya
16. Ten people to tag:
-dah tade sapa aku nak tag..sbb semua nya niza dah tag..ekekkeke..leh ek..
utk jawaban seterusnya elek..


shafa said...

Mcm kete baru...jadinya. Snow wash, kete sure bersih punya.

yong ibu chem said...

wahhh kilat sampai sini nampak tau!


Anonymous said...

kty, silau seh.....

ija said...

owh tq kak atty...hihi..sorilah sbb tak perasan kak ty penah wat...hihi

tigrismalaya said...

kilat kete..bule wat tilik2 muka...

Neeza.Areef said...

fuiyooo...suci dah dr najis..ekkeke...(amek yo awardnye.)

r33n adnan said...

asal nk basuh keta jer ujan.asal ujan jer mula ler kite tergedik2 nk basuh keta.penyudahnye dok ler kete tu kat parking gak.hahaha...

Unknown said...

atty.. ko harung jalan mana yg penuh najis tu ekekeke

Jasfyra said...


atty, anda telah ditag...sila lah jawab ye..hehee

CuTeMiUt78 said...

bestkan kak.. klu tgk keta bersih je...

CuTeMiUt78 said...

kak, award tu kita pun dah dapat dari cendawanintim

CuTeMiUt78 said...

soklan tag tu pun kita dah buat.. tag paling panjang soklan dia

eYaNacOMeY said...

sy dh dpt dah award tu..hehe