Jul 1, 2010


 Lama dah tak pungut award..
kali nie dapat dari syuq..aku selalu jalan kat blog dia ..
kadang walaupun tak komen .harus singgah .

1. List 7 random things about yourself

- suka kaler brownt ngn grey
- suka makan yang pedas -pedas
- suka tgk citer hantu
- aku mudah mesra ngn org walupun aku baru kenal.
- tapi..kalo aku takde mood..kdg kalo tgk muka aku mesti org ingat aku sombong
- aku rabun ye..tp tak pakai spek..
- suka driving..sambil dengar radio kuat2

2. Share the award up with the 15 other bloggers
sapa yang terbaca entry nie .sila lah amik ye award nie

3. Link to each of the recipients and let them know they've won via comments on their blogs.

4. Thank and bring the love back to the person you won the award by linking back to them
 klik picture utk ke blog Syuq..


malinasiam said...

no 1, tang mudah mesra tu betul sgt

Unknown said...

wah dpt jugak yer kak ty,

juelee said...

tahniah kak ty hehhe