Apr 23, 2010

If you get RM10.00 in your car door handle

Dear all, Do pass this on to your list of people especially women who drive.
If you get RM10.00 in your car door handle, use tissue paper or cloth to remove it without opening it and if possible bag it. Drive away immediately.

Don't check the note until you are in the company of your friends or relatives. The note could either contain powdered drugs to knock you out or make you wonder if some guilty motorist is compensating you for a knock or scratch on your car; while you are still wondering, the robber(s) will attack you as you check the car.

This had happened in Johor.

p/s : dapat dari email..


myQza said...

too stupid. macam2 kreativiti manusia ni nak bagi jahanam hidup org lain!

tunbegia said...

sungguh macam macam kanns,


ftrhd said...

oh kena berhati-hati lah macam ni

Liza said...

mcm2 org jahat dlm dunia skrg nie, sanggup buat apa jer asal dapat duit...

Lee said...

Hi, wow! First time I read something like this.
Good of you to mention this.
You take care too.
Have a nice day and keep a song in your heart, Lee.

CuTeMiUt78 said...

macam2 hal kan sekarang ni.. takut gak la... so pas ni kena sentiasa careful..

ALoNa CintamaniszLite said...
