May 25, 2009


Tagged by Neeza ...

For the instructions, add your name on the list and simply spell out your name using the given Japanese letter- translations below. Tag six of your friends and inform them of the tag. Have fun.


A - ka----F - lu---- K - me---- P - no---- U - do---- Z - zi

B - tu----G - ji----- L - ta----- Q - ke ----V - ru

C - mi----H - ri ----M - rin ----R - shi ---W - mei

D - te----I - ki -----N - to----- S - ari---- X - na

E - ku--- J - zu ----O - mo ----T - chi---- Y - fu

Nama aku



a = ka

t = chi

t = chi

y = fu

jadiknya =


kelakar je kan nama jepun aku..

aku nak semua followers aku buat tag yg simple nie

dapat award dr yan@UmmiAbbiQis
thanks yan..sudi kasi kty award..nie..


fazid said...

bleh panggil sifoo camtu :D

joegrimjow said...

gambo atasss tuuu

vogue2704 said...

hehhe..followers?? kita followers nampak gaya kena buat la ni heheheh

Unknown said...

ko ase ko nak suh aku pangey ko pe atty?
chichi pangey kucen plak ekekeke

Anonymous said...

ok. jap lg has buat ye ;)

Anonymous said...

lepas nie boleh panggil nama kachichifu lah kan atty...


attyfir said...

fazid ~ lawak eh..chifu..wahahhaha

joe ~ tergoda ar tu ngn gadis jepun

ena ~ miaw...

vogue&has ~ buat ar ..kalo nak buat..taknak pun tak pe..hehehhe

kin ~ wahahhaha..

watie wyyn said...

macam 'kasi tisu' pun ado..hiiks!

attyfir said...

watie ~ roti tisu..

sue-ab said...

panggil ko chichi la...hahahaha...

Rarai said...

kak ty..nama sy sgt pjg..


mcm kaki kiri katok..wakaka ;P

Liza said...

Menarik gak, nak kena try nie

mslvoe said...

sedap gak dgr tu kak

p-na mama oja said...

hehehe... otai2..chifuu!! haitttt...hehe

Amiha Ayu said...

hait!!! kaichichifu! :P

Suziey Ahmad said...

hahhaa..tag nama jipun rupenye..ingt nk ngape la kty boh awek jepun nih..ekeek:D

kojah said...

byknyaaaaa award akak...

Puan Iza said...

hehehhe...kelakar lak nama jepun sy bila sy buat...

Neeza.Areef said...

tq jwb tag kty
kakichifu...ekekekek.c.omey je nama kty...
tp semer tatap ade 'kaki'

Eta LaZiM said...

Nama kita Ita

I - ki
T - chi
A - ka

= KiChiKa

DAH SIAP!!! heheheheh

rasp said...

insyaAllah akan ku buat kachichifu :D

ct rahani said...

klu rajin kita buat.. hehehe..

attyfir said...


p-na mama oja said...

nama p-na.. Nokitoka!! ahaks!!

Faizah_Haris said...

hahaha tergeliatt lidah ku....faizah dah wat...tapi adoii sgt la kelakoo

Yan said...

huhu thanx mik award

kin hashim said...

la...kiut la tag nih..nanti saya buat k ty yer..thanks!